PICA Things We Love | Japanese Design Pop Art Print Illustrations and Poster Quotes

Happy New ‘22 Year to You!

Japanese Culture, ThoughtsAlyonaComment
PICA Japanese New Year 2022 - Year of the Tiger

The brand spanking new year is here! With the new year come new resolutions, new goals, and new ambitions, which hopefully lead to new milestones, new success stories, and unforgettable experiences.

Here is hoping 2022 will be good to me and you!

Happy New Year!!! Cheers!

Fun fact: In Japanese 22, which can be pronounced as ni ni (にに, two two), sounds close to nyan nyan (にゃんにゃん) — a sound that a cat makes (meow meow) in Japanese. And thus, 22 is often associated with cats. In fact, in Japan, February 22nd (2/22 or にゃんにゃんにゃん, nyan nyan nyan) is considered to be a 猫の日 (neko no hi, Cat Day). So, this nyan nyan year also happens to be the year of the tiger! What are the chances?! Yeah, I am feline good that this could be a purr-fect new year. 😻

Interested in learning more about the big New Year or Oshogatsu celebration in the land of the rising sun? Then head on over here to fuel your knowledge for all things New Year in Japan.