PICA Things We Love | Japanese Design Pop Art Print Illustrations and Poster Quotes

The Ox has moo-ved in! 新年快乐! 恭喜发财!


Happy 牛 Year! Happy Spring Festival and Lunar New Year! Dress in red and celebrate, for today marks the beginning of the year of the gentle and good-natured Golden Ox.

Last year’s Rat marked the beginning of the 12 animal Chinese Astrology cycle as it was the first to arrive at the Jade Emperor's place on the back of the Ox. So this year it is Ox’s turn to shine, and hopefully leave us with a much better experience of this new 12-year cycle emerging under the metal element, denoting the next 12 months as the age of ambition and progress.

The Ox is grounded and gentle. It is hardworking, reliable, and valued for its honesty. The Ox is all about positivity. And we definitely could use some of that right now.

On top of that, the Ox is seen as an auspicious animal with the power to grant wishes. So taking advantage of that, this year we would like to wish for all of us to be able to emulate the great Ox by embodying all the exceptional qualities of this year's animal zodiac.

May this year live up to its potential by grounding us, giving us the strength to pursue our ambitions, bringing about progress, and helping us find harmony in loyalty and reliability in each of us.

Cheers to the new year of the mighty Ox!